Campaign for Working Connecticut

Creating an inclusive and equitable Connecticut Economy 

The Campaign for Working Connecticut is a statewide coalition of diverse stakeholders addressing the critical need to strengthen Connecticut’s future talent pipeline.

Our Opportunity Youth Initiative is advocating for policy solutions for young people aged 14-26 across Connecticut who are at-risk or disconnected. This coalition of community organizations collectively serve more than 7,000 young people each year.

We are a proud members of SkillSpan, the Nationals Skills Coalition’s State Policy Advocacy Network focused on skills and job training opportunities through policy changes. As part of this national network, we advocate for both state and federal policies in education, workforce training, adult education, career and technical education, and safety net arenas to expand economic opportunities for workers and their families while boosting the state’s business capacity.

Investing public and private funding in programs supporting Opportunity Youth is essential for promoting economic growth and social equity and for preparing the next generation of workers for a rapidly changing job market.

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