Advocating with and for ALICE Families
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) is a national, data-driven research initiative that reveals a hidden crisis in our communities. Traditional poverty measures don’t capture the full extent of financial hardship in our communities. Connecticut United Ways are committed to shedding light on this issue and unlocking solutions to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Connecticut has experienced many ups and downs over the last few years. But one alarming trend remains steady: the growing number of ALICE families in every corner of our state.
Meanwhile, our state budget is stronger than ever with a full budget reserve fund and consistently record-breaking revenue surpluses.
This stark contrast is unacceptable and demands immediate solutions.
As our policy agenda proves, we can strengthen ALICE families and our economy at the same time. Together, we can unlock a brighter future for Connecticut where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
ALICE by the Numbers
ALICE Lives in Every Community
- CT Insider: A child tax credit is once again being discussed in Connecticut. Here's what it would do (March 2025)
- CT Mirror: Will federal budget cuts sink CT tax break for families? (March 2025)
- CT Mirror: For many families, tax season is a lifeline – but it’s not enough (Feb 2025)
- Telemundo: Legisladores defienden crédito tributario por niños en CT (Feb 2025)
- CTN: Capitol News Briefing with Senate President Pro Tempore Looney, House Speaker Ritter, Rep. Felipe, Rep. Farrar and United Way of CT on Connecticut's Child Tax Credit (Feb 2025)
- Data Haven: DataHaven analysis of Connecticut 211 calls reveals widespread increase in requests for food- and housing-related assistance during the past year (Feb 2025)
- CT Mirror: A doctor’s orders: CT needs a child tax credit (Feb 2025)
- CT News Junkie: Connecticut Democrats Advocate for Permanent Child Tax Credit to Ease Family Burden (Feb 2025)
ALICE Reports
- United for ALICE: Connecticut Research Center
- CT ALICE Report 2024
- CT ALICE Essentials Index 2024
- CT ALICE in Focus: Children
- CT ALICE in Focus: Veterans
- CT ALICE in Focus: People with Disabilities
Need help? Have an idea?
Our advocacy team is here for you.

Daniel Fitzmaurice, Director of Advocacy
Cheryl Hardgrave, Advocacy Coordinator